Lieutenant Governor Defends Part Time Legislature Proposal


Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley is hitting back following claims his proposal for a part time state legislature is just a ploy to attract conservative support ahead of an expected gubernatorial campaign. He tells WKZO News he’s been calling for a part time legislature since 2009. Calley says the state could save a whole lot of money if lawmakers only worked for a portion of the year.

“If you had a limited session, it would force them to get the important work done,” Calley said. “The other thing I’m proposing is that we pay our legislators something more comparable to what we see around the country. For the three-month session, they’d get about $31,000.”

Calley also says a part time legislature would open up service to more people. Republican state Representative Larry Inman, of Williamsburg, called the idea “horrible,” and a “Hail Mary football pass to become governor.” Re-written petitions to get the question on next November’s ballot hit the streets this week.