Security, Safety Plans Being Implemented At BHAS


Work is underway in earnest to improve security at Benton Harbor Area Schools. At this week’s district CEO meeting, CEO Robert Herrera said the district has been working with a security consulting firm to put together emergency plans and handbooks for staff in the event of a major incident.

“It’s for the 184 days while we’re in session when nothing does happen that we know it’s there in case we need it and we can focus our attention on other things rather than wondering what we’re going to do in a bazillion different situations,” Herrera said.

Not only is work being done on an emergency operations plan, but the district COO said this week requests for bids will soon go out for physical improvements to facilities. They’re working on secure entrances first, and that RFP is expected to go out Friday. Another dealing with cameras, key fobs, and alarms is planned for soon after.