Upton Calls On EPA To Focus On PFAS In Schools


Congressman Fred Upton is calling on the Environmental Protection Agency to take steps to identify and fix PFAS in the water systems of Michigan schools. He tells WSJM News with the chemicals being found in multiple Michigan communities in the past year, the state’s Congressional delegation wants the EPA to be proactive.

“The last thing we want is PFAS to be found in our schools, in our water systems, and many of us now in the Michigan delegation have signed on to a letter urging the EPA to try to help us find the right resources so we can protect our schools and our communities,” Upton said.

Based on available state data, at least 110 schools and child care facilities have tested positive for PFAS in their drinking water across the country. Upton says as the budgeting process for next year gets underway, the EPA is being asked to make PFAS in schools a priority.