BH Schools To Work With School Board Association On Strategic Plan


The Benton Harbor Area Schools Board of Education will work with the Michigan Association of School Boards to create a strategic plan for the district. During a Tuesday meeting, Superintendent Andrae Townsel asked trustees to select a firm to help draft that long-term document from the three that have made presentations to the board. Trustee Reinaldo Tripplett said it makes sense to work with the MASB.

“Our superintendent is in a program that is led by MASB,” Tripplett said. “Many of us are getting our certifications and have done some work with MASB through classes, and I think that they would probably be something so that we can have some consistency.”

Townsel said a strategic plan is needed in order to pursue a long-term vision that can bring academic and financial stability and growth. He’s said at a previous meeting that Benton Harbor Area Schools doesn’t currently have a strategic plan. He hopes to have a draft by the start of the new school year, although Tripplett cautioned that it doesn’t have to be rushed.