Minimum Wage Going Up


Michigan’s minimum wage will increase with the new year. Starting January first, the standard goes up by 22 cents, bringing minimum wage to $9.87 per hour. Jennifer Fields with the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity told Michigan News Network wages are expected to increase annually, as long as the state unemployment rate stays below 8.5%. So how long until the minimum wage reaches the $15 an hour?

“I believe most of the places that I see that are hiring people are offering well above minimum wage, but there are quite a few people who still do work for minimum wage,” Fields said. “So, it depends on the industry and it depends on if people are looking around for for different work

As of January 1, workers who receive tips earn $3.75 an hour as long as they report enough in tips to equal the minimum wage. Workers ages 16 and 17 will also earn a new sub-minimum wage of $8.39 an hour.