New Program Will Provide Economic Development Grants To Rural Areas


The new CHIPS Act, aimed at boosting semiconductor manufacturing, includes a program that could be a boon for rural communities in Michigan. The RECOMPETE pilot program provides $1 billion in grants for struggling rural communities. Matt Hildreth is director of He says the development needs of rural communities are vast, and the RECOMPETE Act should provide local leaders with the flexibility to invest in challenges they see in their specific area.

“Some communities need investments in infrastructure. Some communities need investments in broadband, others need investments in transitioning from one industry to another. So, it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. It is locally led.”

In a state like Michigan, the larger cities are typically first in line for federal grants. Hildreth believes this program could change that. The $1 billion program will help distressed areas apply for federal funding for initiatives to support long-term economic growth and create lasting, quality jobs.