Entertainment Daypop Archives

Roger Ailes Dies at 77


Reports indicate that Roger Ailes fell at his home in Palm Beach, Florida last week. He suffered complications from the fall and slipped into a coma. Ailes brought Fox to the forefront of cable news, and created

Hollywood Stars Love Their Mom’s


Even with celebrities, a mother’s love and support does not go unnoticed. Lots of Hollywood stars posted pictures honoring their mammas, including Ivanka Trump, Tom Brady, and many more.  Hollywood’s Stars Show Love for Their Mamas on

Colbert Mocks American Health Care Act


Stephen Colbert ripped the House republicans right after they passed The American Health Care Act.  Colbert pointed that the legislation to repeal Obamacare tax hikes.  Colbert mocks House Republicans after American Health Care Act passes Via rss.cnn.com