OutCenter Open House Next Week


Next week will bring an open house at the OutCenter in Benton Harbor for everyone to come out and learn about the organization’s plans for 2017. OutCenter Board Chair Todd Dockerty tells WSJM News this is just kicking off what will be a busy year.

“There’s going to be some different events at the OutCenter to bring out the community throughout the year, and this is kind of the first of those events,” Dockerty said.

Dockerty says the OutCenter has outlined a 12 month plan for the year with a focus on encouraging an atmosphere of love. Everyone’s welcome to find out more.

“It’s a chance for us to kind of share with the community what our plans are for this year, what we’re looking forward to doing this year,” Dockerty said.

Anyone can come by next Friday between 12 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to learn about the OutCenter’s plans. Dockerty says the Benton Harbor organization aims to make this a year of understanding as the country begins a new journey.