South Haven Issues Guidance For Trick Or Treating


Trick or treating has not been canceled in the city of South Haven this year, but officials are urging everyone to be safe if they do go out on Halloween. The city of South haven has released the following:

The City of South Haven has been receiving inquiries from residents whether Halloween will occur this year in light of COVID-19.  As a reminder, Halloween is not a city sanctioned event, but rather a nationally recognized holiday. Other than announcing the suggested hours between 5pm – 7pm, the City has no further involvement.

The City has no legal authority or basis to cancel Halloween or restrict the free movement of its resident. However, residents who participate should adhere to any public health recommendations from the Van Buren/Cass County Health Department or any other guidance from public health officials and continue to watch for updates as we near Halloween.

Safety tips for trick -or-treaters and parents:

  • Wear a mask
  • Social distance if not in the same household
  • Any household with a positive case should not participate
  • Any individuals with symptoms should not participate

Additional safety tips can be found by visiting the following websites for ideas and best practices:


Be smart, be safe, be seen, and have fun!