Upton Seeking Answers From Energy Secretary On Fuel Prices


Congressman Fred Upton is feeling the effects of increasing energy prices. He tells us he and some colleagues have sent a letter to U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm regarding the issue.

“We know this is often a supply and demand issue, and a number of us contacted the secretary of energy, our former governor Jennifer Granholm, to say what are you doing? Where is the supply? What is going on here? What can you do to help consumers to make sure that those energy costs don’t become unbearable as we prepare to get out economy moving again knowing that fall is just about over. The leaves are turning.”

Upton says lawmakers want to know what the U.S. Department of Energy will do to address supply shortages and inflation. He tells us gas prices are at a seven year high and natural gas is expected to be up 40 to 50% this winter. He’s hoping the federal government can take action before the winter hits full force.