Huizenga: Hard not to be cynical about case against Donald Trump


With former President Donald Trump now arraigned in the latest criminal case against him since leaving office, Congressman Bill Huizenga tells us he doesn’t think any of these legal issues will slow Trump down. Huizenga says the pattern of charges against Trump seems to follow revelations of misdeeds by President Biden or Hunter Biden.

“Even people who have been very critical of President Trump on both sides of the aisle, and I’m specifically thinking of conservatives that have been critical of him like The National Review and folks like that, they’re pointing out that these are new and novel legal theories that haven’t been tested,” Huizenga said. “A lot of people don’t think it’s really the direction that it should go, and here you go again, and coupling that up with the timing, it just sort of breeds this cynicism.”

Huizenga says the whole thing seems like quite the coincidence to a lot of people. As to whether there’s any merit to the charges related to the 2020 election, Huizenga says he doesn’t know and will watch where the facts go. Still, he says Trump only seems to get stronger with every new blow.