Local News Archives

Recall Effort Underway For MI Lawmaker

From the Associated Press — Work has started on gathering petition signatures toward possibly recalling a Michigan lawmaker facing federal charges of trading votes for campaign money. Republican Representative Larry Inman has denied any wrongdoing and has

Commission Approves Racial Equity Committee


With a goal of fighting racism and helping to improve the health of residents, the Benton Harbor City Commission has approved the creation of a Racial Equity Reform Committee. Commissioners approved the idea at Monday’s meeting. The

Commission Considers Firing Legal Firm


The Benton Harbor City Commission has opted not to fire the city’s legal firm. At a Monday meeting, the body considered a motion from Commissioner Juanita Henry to give 60 days’ notice to the law firm, Bittner

New EEE Case Confirmed In Cass County


There’s another case of Eastern Equine Encephalitis in the area. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services confirms the latest is a Cass County resident who fell ill on September 20 prior to the start of

Commission Tables Marijuana Question


Benton Harbor City Commissioners have postponed a moratorium on allowing recreational marijuana businesses in the community. As the state prepares to accept applications from prospective recreational marijuana businesses, commissioners were asked last week to approve a ban

Feds Announce $1 Million For PFAS Study


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has announced $1 million in funding for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to study the relationship between PFAS exposure and certain health outcomes in areas of the

Big Donation To Hospital Pavilion Project


The Spectrum Health Lakeland Auxiliary has pledged another $500,000 to the Lakeland Medical Center Pavilion project, bringing its total gift to $1 million for the work. This is the organization’s largest pledge to the hospital so far.